
The Dialog Manager can be called with a specific system configuration that determines which external services will be used within the session. The ROS_HOSTNAME is set through the file at project root.


Set profile in the execution invocation like this:
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="roboy.dialog.DialogSystem" -Dprofile=NOROS
If running from within an IDE, edit the run configurations to include the profile as VM option:

Without a specified profile, DEFAULT will be used. Please note that this profile requires setting a valid ROS_HOSTNAME address in the file to function properly! If ROS is not set up, use the NOROS profile to prevent the Dialog Manager from using ROS-dependent services.


Profile Description
DEFAULT Used when no other profile is set, assumes that all requirements (ROS, Internet connection, speakers, mic) are fulfilled.
NOROS To be used when ROS services are not set up, avoids calls to memory, speech synthesis, voice output, etc.
STANDALONE To be used when running without Internet connection - this profile includes all restrictions of NOROS and also does not call DBPedia.
MEMORY-ONLY To be used during Memory development, when no other ROS services are running. Only Neo4j-related ROS calls will be made.
DEBUG With this setting, DM will run like DEFAULT but not shut down when ROS failures are encountered.


To extend or change the configurations, have a look at the instructions in the roboy.dialog.Config class.