Development tutorials

This page is a collection of useful tutorials if you want to develop or enhance parts of the Dialog System.

Changing the dialog systems behaviour during a conversation

Adding a New State

Roboy often visits different events and you might want him to say something specific, for example mention a company or a sponsor. One way to do this would be to modify an existing state. However, these changes are often discarded as you still want to have the old behaviour. There is a better way: create a new custom state specifically for your needs.

In this tutorial you will learn how to design and implement a new state. To keep everything simple, the state will just ask a yes-no question and listen to the answer. Based on the answer, you will pick one of two replies and choose one of two transitions.

Do you know math?

Let’s start! We are going to add a state that tests whether the interlocutor (person speaking to Roboy) knows some basic math. First, create a new class named DoYouKnowMathState that extends from roboy.dialog.states.definitions.State:

// inside

public class DoYouKnowMathState extends State {


Your IDE will notify you that three functions (act(), react(...) and getNextState()) have to be implemented. Let’s add them:

// inside

public Output act() {
    return null;

public Output react(Interpretation input) {
    return null;

public State getNextState() {
    return null;

Additionally, we need a special constructor and a new variable to store the next state for later:

// inside

private State next;

public DoYouKnowMathState(String stateIdentifier, StateParameters params) {
    super(stateIdentifier, params);

Now, we can write some logic and define what our new state should do. The act() function is always executed first. In our case, we want to ask a simple question. Replace return null; inside act() with following:

// inside public Output act()

return Output.say("What is 2 plus 2?");

The interlocutor’s answer will be passed to the react(...) function once it is available. Inside, we should check whether the answer is correct and react based on correctness. If we also want to add emotion to our output, setEmotion() method can be used. This code is one of the simplest ways to do this:

// inside public Output react(Interpretation input)

// get tokens (= single words of the input)
List<String> tokens = input.getTokens();

// check if the answer is correct (simplest version)
if (tokens != null && ((List) tokens).size() > 0 && tokens.get(0).equals("four")) {
    // answer correct
    next = getTransition("personKnowsMath");
    return Output.say("You are good at math!").setEmotion(RoboyEmotion.HAPPINESS);
} else {
    // answer incorrect
    next = getTransition("personDoesNotKnowMath");
    return Output.say("Well, 2 plus 2 is 4!").setEmotion(RoboyEmotion.SADNESS);

Note a few things here:

  • to keep this tutorial simple, we only check whether the first word of the reply equals “four”
  • based on reply correctness, we get the next state using getTransition(<transitionName>) save it for later
  • similarly to act(), we define the output with return Output.say(<stringToSay>);

Finally, we can implement the last required function getNextState() that defines the next state to enter. Inside, we just return the next state that we defined inside react(...):

// inside public State getNextState()

return next;

That’s it, you have just created your first state! Here is how the class should look like:

// inside

package roboy.dialog.tutorials.tutorialStates;

import roboy.dialog.states.definitions.State;
import roboy.dialog.states.definitions.StateParameters;
import roboy.emotions.RoboyEmotion;
import roboy.linguistics.sentenceanalysis.Interpretation;

public class DoYouKnowMathState extends State {

    private State next;

    public DoYouKnowMathState(String stateIdentifier, StateParameters params) {
        super(stateIdentifier, params);

    public Output act() {
        return Output.say("What is 2 plus 2?");

    public Output react(Interpretation input) {

        // get tokens (= single words of the input)
        List<String> tokens = input.getTokens();

        // check if the answer is correct (simplest version)
        if (tokens != null && ((List) tokens).size() > 0 && tokens.get(0).equals("four")) {
            // answer correct
            next = getTransition("personKnowsMath");
            return Output.say("You are good at math!").setEmotion(RoboyEmotion.HAPPINESS);

        } else {
            // answer incorrect
            next = getTransition("personDoesNotKnowMath");
            return Output.say("Well, 2 plus 2 is 4!").setEmotion(RoboyEmotion.SADNESS);

    public State getNextState() {
        return next;

The newest version of the complete code can be found in in roboy.dialog.tutorials.tutorialStates.DoYouKnowMathState. Read the Creating a New Personality tutorial to learn how to connect your new state with others.

Example output

When using the new state, you could encounter the conversation:

[Roboy]: What is 2 plus 2?
[You]:   four
[Roboy]: You are good at math!

Or, if you provide a wrong answer:

[Roboy]: What is 2 plus 2?
[You]:   one
[Roboy]: Well, 2 plus 2 is 4!

To learn more details about states and personalities, refer to Personality and states. There, you will find details about state fallbacks, parameters and interfaces, as well as more information about different personalities and more output options.

Creating a New Personality

Roboy’s Dialog System can be used in different environments and situations like fairs, conferences, demos or as a chatbot on social networks. For every given situation, Roboy’s behaviour should be different. We use personalities to define Roboy’s way of talking.

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a new personality. Make sure that you know the basic functionality of states. If you are not familiar with them, read the Adding a New State tutorial. General information about personalities can be found on Personality and states.

Personalities are defined inside JSON personality files. Each file represents a state machine and defines:

  • initial state: state in which Roboy starts the conversation
  • transitions: connections between the states and the dialog flow
  • fallbacks: backup if a state fails to react to unexpected input

State definition

Every state inside the personality file is defined by a JSON object. Here is an example:

  "identifier": "MathTest",
  "implementation" : "roboy.dialog.tutorials.tutorialStates.DoYouKnowMathState",
  "transitions" : {
    "personKnowsMath" : "Farewell",
    "personDoesNotKnowMath" : "Farewell"
  "comment": "A state that will test your math knowledge."

We have just defined a state that is called MathTest. Every state must have a unique identifier.

The implementation property defines which Java class should be used for this state when the Dialog System is running. When the Dialog System loads a personality file, it creates a Java object of the right class for every state defined in the file.

It is important to provide the complete class name (including the package) so that the Dialog System can find the right class and instantiate an object of it when loading the file. Special care is needed when doing refactoring. Make sure to change the personality file when you rename a state or move it to a different package!

Next, we have transitions. Here we define the connections between states. You should define all transitions that could be taken by the state implementation. For the DoYouKnowMathState we have two of them: personKnowsMath and personDoesNotKnowMath (look for getTransition(<transitionName>) inside the Java code). In the JSON file, the key is the transition name (e.g. personKnowsMath) and the value (here Farewell) is the identifier of another state in the same personality file (do not confuse with Java class names). We will take a look at the definition of the Farewell state a bit later.

The comment property is optional and will be ignored completely by the Dialog System. It just gives you an option to note some details about the state. There are two additional properties that you can (and sometimes have to) define: parameters and fallback. We will discuss them later as well.

Now, let’s define the Farewell state. We will use one of the pre-implemented toy states. The definition looks like this:

  "identifier": "Farewell",
  "implementation" : "roboy.dialog.tutorials.tutorialStates.ToyFarewellState",
  "transitions" : {},
  "comment": "Last state: Tells goodbye, ignores reply, ends the conversation."

Nothing new here, except that we have no outgoing transitions for this state. This is because the ToyFarewellState always ends the conversation and will never take any transition.

Complete personality file

With two states defined, we can now take a look at the complete personality file. All state definitions are stored in the states array. Additionally, we define the initialState and pass the identifier MathTest of our DoYouKnowMathState. The complete file looks like this:

  "comment": "A simple personality that only contains two states (used in tutorial).",
  "initialState": "MathTest",
  "states": [
      "identifier": "MathTest",
      "implementation" : "roboy.dialog.tutorials.tutorialStates.DoYouKnowMathState",
      "transitions" : {
        "personKnowsMath" : "Farewell",
        "personDoesNotKnowMath" : "Farewell"
      "comment": "A state that will test your math knowledge."
      "identifier": "Farewell",
      "implementation" : "roboy.dialog.tutorials.tutorialStates.ToyFarewellState",
      "transitions" : {},
      "comment": "Last state: Tells goodbye, ignores reply, ends the conversation."

This file is stored under resources/personalityFiles/tutorial/MathTest.json. You can try running this personality by setting the path (PERSONALITY_FILE) in the config file (

When you create a new personality file you might forget to define important transitions. To find errors faster, you can define the state interface (required transitions, parameters and fallback) for every state when you implement it. While loading the personality file, the Dialog System will check whether the state has everything it needs and warn you if something is missing. Read more about state interfaces on Personality and states.

Fallbacks and parameters

There are two additional properties that you can add to a state definition: parameters and fallback. Take a look at an example:

  "identifier": "Intro",
  "implementation": "roboy.dialog.tutorials.tutorialStates.ToyIntroState",
  "transitions": {
    "next": "Farewell"
  "fallback": "RandomAnswer"
  "parameters" : {
    "introductionSentence" : "My name is Roboy!"

Let’s take a look at both properties. Here we define RandomAnswer (which is an identifier of another state in the same personality file) as the fallback for the state with identifier Intro. This means that if Intro cannot react to an input, the RandomAnswer will be asked instead. The property parameters allows you to pass parameters to the state. Each parameter has a name (here introductionSentence) and a string value. The state implementation can access the value by the name. Parameters are very useful to pass resource file paths to states. Read more about fallbacks and parameters on Personality and states.

Larger personality

It is not easy to create interesting conversations using only two states (assuming relatively simple states of course). Usually, you will use at least five different states in one conversation. To get some experience in writing personality files, let’s create a file that uses four states. Don’t worry, you don’t have to implement the states here. We will use four already pre-implemented toy states that can be found in the roboy.dialog.tutorials.tutorialStates package. The final personality should look like this:

Toy personality

As you can see, we have four states that are connected to each other. The names of the transitions are denoted on the arrows. Now, try to write a personality file to represent this personality. Following these steps might be helpful:

  • read the JavaDoc of every state you will use (ToyGreetingsState, ToyIntroState, ToyFarewellState and ToyRandomAnswerState)
  • create a new personality file (you might copy MathTest.json to have an easier start)
  • create four state definitions with different identifiers (Greetings, Intro, Farewell and RandomAnswer)
  • define the initial state of your personality (Greetings)
  • define the transitions between the states (note that fallback is not a transition)
  • define the fallback for the Greetings state
  • define required parameters for the Intro state (read JavaDoc of ToyIntroState for details)
  • save the file in the resources/peronalityFiles folder
  • edit the file and change PERSONALITY_FILE to your path
  • try running the Dialog System

If anything goes wrong, you can always take a look at the solution saved in resources/peronalityFiles/tutorial/ToyStateMachine.json. Happy personalizing!

Why do we need this complexity?

You might be wondering why such a complex system with all those JSON files is needed. It would be much simpler to define all the states and transitions directly from core, right? Defining everything from code would indeed simplify the refactoring. However, definitions inside personality files have some essential advantages. First, you don’t have to recompile the project just to change a personality. Second, in the future, we plan to implement a graphical editor for personalities and therefore need a file format to store the personalities. Using the editor, you will be able to create your own personality with drag & drop and don’t have to worry about writing the personality files manually anymore.

While the editor is not implemented yet, we still have good news for you. You can define personalities directly from code and don’t have to worry about creating a personality file (and updating it while refactoring). This feature is especially useful when writing unit tests for single states or smaller state machines. This tutorial does not cover creating personalities from code but there are good examples in the roboy.dialog.tutorials.StateMachineExamples class. Take a look at it if you need to define personalities from code.

Adding New Questions to the State

There exists a list of questions, we may want Roboy to ask in order to acquire new information about people and the environment. It is stored in the resources directory under sentences/QAList.json and follows the next JSON structure as given:

“Q”: [
“Who is your best friend?”, “Have I met any of your friends?”, “Do you have a friend whom I have met?”, “Maybe I know some friends of yours. Would you name one?”

], “A”: {

“Oh, I believe I have met %s they’re nice.”

], “FAILURE”: [

“I don’t think I know them.”


}, “FUP”: {

“Q”: [
“Have you made any new friends, %s?”

], “A”: [

“Oh, I have met %s they’re nice.”




Here, we have a set of questions about friends (“FRIEND_OF” intent), so Roboy can learn about friends of the person he is talking to. “SUCCESS” and “FAILURE” are the answerS, Roboy will say if the information input was processed successfully or not, respectively. Follow up questions (“FUP”) are the ones that are used to update the information in the future if the questions (“Q”) were already asked.

We can add a new entry there with a new intent. Let it be “LIKE”:

“LIKE”: {
“Q”: [
“What do you like?”

], “A”: {

“Me too. I really like %s!”

], “FAILURE”: [

“Well, I do not know what to think about this”


}, “FUP”: {

“Q”: [
“Do you still like, %s?”

], “A”: [

“Maybe, I should consider liking this stuff”




Then we have to add a new entry into our local ontology - Neo4jRelationships:

public enum Neo4jRelationships {


Go back to your state and inside the act() method implement the following logic:

Interlocutor person = getContext().ACTIVE_INTERLOCUTOR.getValue();

RandomList<String> questions = qaValues.getQuestions(Neo4jRelationships.LIKE);
String question = questions.getRandomElement();
return State.Output.say(question);

Now, we can ask these newly added questions and later process the answers in the react() method.

Querying the Memory from the Dialog System

Indeed, the newly created state may be the pinnacle of State Machines practice, but it does not yet exploit all of the Roboy Dialog System capabilities, such as the graph database Roboy Memory Module which allows to store and recall information about the environment. For instance, you may want to check whether you belong to the circle of Roboy’s friends.

Every state is bundled with the memory reference inside its parameters, to call the memory you have to access it the following way:

Neo4jMemoryInterface memory = getParameters().getMemory();

Then you may want to call one of the most used methods, namely, getById - which will query the Neo4j database and get the description of the node with the same (unique) ID in JSON format. Roboy’s ID is 26.:

String requestedObject = getMemory().getById(26);
MemoryNodeModel roboy = gson.fromJson(requestedObject, MemoryNodeModel.class);

The MemoryNodeModel class is the general class which is a model for the nodes stored in Neo4j. It has a label, an ID, parameters and relationships with other nodes denoted by IDs. As soon as we have the Roboy node we can get his friends’ IDs like this:

ArrayList<Integer> ids = roboy.getRelationships(Neo4jRelationships.FRIEND_OF);

Then we can proceed with checking Roboy’s friends as follows:

RandomList<MemoryNodeModel> roboyFriends = new RandomList<>();

if (ids != null && !ids.isEmpty()) {
    try {
        Gson gson = new Gson();
        for (Integer id : ids) {
            String requestedObject = getParameters().getMemory().getById(id);
            roboyFriends.add(gson.fromJson(requestedObject, MemoryNodeModel.class));
    } catch (InterruptedException | IOException e) {
        logger.error("Error on Memory data retrieval: " + e.getMessage());

Let’s check if we are friends with him:

if (!roboyFriends.isEmpty()) {
    for (MemoryNodeModel friend : roboyFriends) {
        if (friend.getProperties().get("name").toString() == myName) {
            success = true;

However, there exists a special Roboy node class initialized in a specific way like this:

Roboy roboy = new Roboy(memory);

It will retrieve and fill all the data for Roboy from the memory.

Furthermore, we wanted to make it less of miserable routine thus there is a helper function in the State superclass, which makes your life much easier:

RandomList<MemoryNodeModel> nodes = retrieveNodesFromMemoryByIds(roboy.getRelationships(Neo4jRelationships.FRIEND_OF));

if (!nodes.isEmpty()) {
    for (MemoryNodeModel node : nodes) {
        if (node.getProperties().get("name").toString() == myName) {
            success = true;

Creating a Value History / Storing and Updating Values in the Context

See Using the Context

Extending the Lexicon and the Grammar

This tutorial explains how to create or change grammar and lexicon used in the semantic parser.


To create your own custom lexicon, you need to create a new file or copy an existing lexicon and add lexemes in the following format:

{lexeme:"LEXEME", formula:"FORMULA", type:"TYPE"}


  • lexeme - is a natural language utterance, e.g., name
  • formula - is a semantic representation of the lexeme, e.g., rb:HAS_NAME
  • type - is a lexeme type, e.g., NamedEntity, fb:type.any

Additionally, you can also add features in JSON format for map:

{lexeme:"name", formula:"rb:HAS_NAME", type:"DataProperty", features:"{feature1:0.5, feature2:0.3}"}


To create your own custom grammar, you need to create a new file or copy existing grammar and add rules in the following format:

(rule [Category] ([Expression]) ([Function]))


  • Category - is a category of rule, for root derivation use $ROOT
  • Expression - is a format of text accepted by the rule expressed in your custom categories or names, e.g., $PHRASE, $TOKEN, $Expr
  • Function - semantic function that should be applied to specified pattern, e.g., IdentityFn

Example rules:

(rule $ROOT ((what optional) (is optional) $Expr (? optional)) (IdentityFn))
(rule $Expr ($Expr $Conversion) (JoinFn backward))

For in-depth tutorial on expression and function types, refer to original SEMPRE tutorial or documentation

Used files in configuration

To use created files, you need to set the correct parameter in pom.xml file. For grammar:


For lexicon:


Scoring Functions and Knowledge Retrieval

Currently, our semantic parser uses error retrieval mechanism that can be modified in the following steps:

Scoring Function

  1. Move to package:

  2. Implement edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.roboy.score.ScoringFunction class with score method.

  3. Add scoring function in constructor of edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.roboy.ErrorRetrieval class.

Knowledge Retriever

  1. Move to package:

  2. Implement edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.roboy.error.KnowledgeRetriever class with analyze method.

  3. Add knowledge retriever in constructor of edu.stanford.nlp.sempre.roboy.ErrorRetrieval class.

Using the Context

How to add Values?

Here we describe how a new Value can be created and added to the Context. Sample implementations can be found inside roboy.context.contextObjects package.

  1. Consider what type of data will be stored in the Value. For this example, we chose String.
  2. In the contextObjects directory, create a new class which inherits from the Value class. The final signature should look similar to: public class SampleValue extends Value<String> (replacing String with your type).
  3. Make the value available for the Dialog System by defining a ValueInterface in the class, among other class variables. A ValueInterface takes two type parameters: the Value class created in step 2, and its data type (in our case, String). Example: public final ValueInterface<SampleValue, String> SAMPLE_VALUE = new ValueInterface<>(new SampleValue());
  4. Congratulations, you can now query the new Value object! …but it does not receive any values yet. To change this, see “How to add Updaters?” below.

How to add ValueHistories?

ValueHistories extend the functionality of Values by storing all data objects sent to them. Over the getNLastValues(int n) method, a map with several most recent data objects can be retrieved, including their ordering. The contains(V value) method checks whether an object is currently found in the history - note that ValueHistories have size limits, therefore oldest values disappear from the history when new ones are added.

Adding a ValueHistory is very much alike to adding a Value, just make sure to:

  1. extend ValueHistory<> instead of Value<>. If the history should keep more than the default 50 values, override the getMaxLimit() method to return your desired limit value.
  2. in, create a HistoryInterface instead of ValueInterface.

How to add Updaters?

New values can only flow into the Context over an Updater instance. Internal Updaters can be used by the dialog manager to actively add new values. External Updaters run in separate threads and query or listen for new values, for example over a ROS connection.

Updaters only add a single new data unit, relying on the AbstractValue.updateValue() method. Thanks to the inheritance chain, you can use an arbitrary Value or ValueHistory implementation as the target of an updater.

Adding an External Updater

Currently, there are two implementations of an External Updater: PeriodicUpdater and ROSTopicUpdater.

PeriodicUpdater calls an updating method after a certain time interval has passed. To use the periodic updating functionality:

  1. Create a class extending PeriodicUpdater and implement its update() method. It should retrieve the values and finally add them over the target.updateValue(value) method call.
  2. A constructor is required for the class. Simply match the PeriodicUpdater constructor and call super(target) within - or use the two-parameter constructor to change the update frequency (by default 1 second).

ROSTopicUpdater subscribes itself to a ROS Topic and reacts to messages coming from the topic. To use:

  1. Create a class extending ROSTopicUpdater and define the getTargetSubscriber() method, which will point the updater towards its target ROS topic. The options for the subscriber can be found in the class.
  2. Implement the update() method of the new class. This method will be called whenever a new message is stored in the internal message variable, so it might be enough to just call target.updateValue(message). If the data needs to be extracted from the message first, do it in the update() before calling target.updateValue.

All External Updaters need to be initialized in the class. To do this:

  1. Define the External Updater a private class variable to the class (look for the external updater definition section).
  1. If the Updater depends on ROS, add its initialization into the Context.initializeROS(RosMainNode ros) method, otherwise add it to the private constructor Context(). As the parameter, use the inner value or valueHistory variable from a ValueInterface or a HistoryInterface.

Adding a new Internal Updater

  1. Create a class extending InternalUpdater<targetClass, valueType>. The class and data type of the target Value or ValueHistory are the generic parameters for the updater.
  2. A constructor is required for the class. Simply match the InternalUpdater constructor and call super(target) within. An example is in the DialogTopicsUpdater class.
  1. Define the Internal Updater in the class. Initialize the updater within the private Context() constructor. For example:

public final SampleUpdater SAMPLE_UPDATER; // Define as class variable

SAMPLE_UPDATER = new SampleUpdater(DIALOG_TOPICS.valueHistory); // Initialize in the constructor

Adding generic Input- or OutputDevice

In order to add new and classes, changes in multiple locations are necessary.

  1. Implement your InputDevice or OutputDevice implementation using class [YOUR CLASSNAME] extends InputDevice (or OutputDevice, if you’re doing output).
  2. If your device needs additional cleaning in order to be destroyed properly, additionally use implements CleanUp and implement the cleanup() method.
  3. Add your devices to in getInputs() and getOutputs(), so the dialog system may use them if they’re chosen in the configuration.
  4. Add a (commented) input/output configuration to (See Adding new entries to how to do this)

External API Integration

To make the process of adding new external APIs easier, an interface is provided that will do most of the heavy lifting for you. All you have to do is to implement the APIHandler abstract class and APIHub.getData() shall handle the rest of the processing for you.

UML Diagram of Interface

Storing API Keys

API Keys should be stored in the roboy_dialog/resources/knowledgebase/apiKeys.yml file. It is vitally important that this file does not end up on git. Entries should be stored in the YAML format: apikey: xxxxxxx_apikey_goes_here_xxxxxxx. The first part of the entry is the YAML key, while the second is the actual API key.

Implementing the Interface

For simplicities sake, an abstract class, APIHandler has been created to simplify the process of creating an external API call.

One must implement the methods…


The purpose of getKeyName is to tell APIHub, what the YAML key associated with the API Key in the apiKeys.yml file is. return "weatherkey"; in most cases shall suffice.


This method should be used to check if the arguments passed by the user are validate. If the argument is incorrect, make sure to logger.error() what exactly the error is. A IllegalArgumentException shall be thrown, that you must deal with in your state.


An IllegalArgumentException is a type of RuntimeException, thus is unchecked. See here for more details.


This method is in charge of creating the API Request URL. Assuming the getKeyName function is implemented correctly, the first parameter shall automatically send you the API Key from the apiKeys.yml file. The second parameter are the API Request Arguments that your state sends to APIHub.

This method expects a valid API request URL to be returned, like


If you do not have any parameters, you should pass the value null to APIHub


This method should handle the processing of the JSON. The JSON parameter is the response from the webserver, whilst the arguments parameter is filled with the arguments given to it by the Handle JSON Arguments given to APIHandler.


If you do not have any parameters, you should pass the value null to APIHub

Getting the Data

All you have to do, to get the data is to call the APIHub.getData() method. You first pass it the class you wish to use (must extend APIHandler). The second parameter is the API arguments and the third parameter is the handle JSON arguments.

Below is a sample code from Dialog Evolutions SS2018 midterm presentation:

String answer;

//If the trigger phrase is spoken
if (matchPas(pas, new Pair(SemanticRole.PATIENT, ".*\\bweather\\b.*"))) {
        try {
            answer =
                    "It seems like it is %s out there!",
                    //We want the weather data using weather.class and from munich. There are no handleJSON arguments in this case
                    APIHub.getData(Weather.class, new String[]{"munich"}, null)
        //In the event that something goes wrong, here is our "default phrase"
        catch (Exception e) {
            answer = "It seems a bit moody...";
            //Print out additional logging.
// String answer is later passed to dialog via Output.say(answer)

If all goes well, Roboy shall answer:

[You]:   what is the weather like
[Roboy]: It seems like it is cloudy out there!

If an issue arises, you should see something amongst the lines of:

[You]:   what is the weather like
[ERROR] API Args:   : [munich, bavaria] --- roboy.util.api.APIHandler (16:56:50)
[ERROR] hJSON Args: : null --- roboy.util.api.APIHandler (16:56:50)
[ERROR] API Arg Expects one location as Argument, JSON Arguments expects null as argument --- roboy.dialog.states.devoStates.QuestionRoboyQAState (16:56:50)
[Roboy]: It seems a bit moody...


At the current point in time, APIHub/APIHandler assumes your API Key that is stored in the database is valid. It will not warn you of invalid keys, although it will become clear once you read the HTTP response code (401), but it is not stated explicitly.

Social Media Integration

A new InputDevice for a social media

First create a new class in folder, namely MySocialMediaInput that implements from

// inside

public class MySocialMediaInput implements InputDevice {


One function namely “listen()” has to be implemented. This function is called by a thread and should return a new Input or keep the thread waiting if there isn’t any new Input available.

public Input listen() throws InterruptedException, IOException {
    return null;

Since you will have an InputDevice for each user then you need at least a unique identifier for each user right? So each of this unique identifiers should mapped to an InputDevice. And since a generic social media input device is structured in a way that a single entry point is necessary, you need a central point to find all our inputdevices. Therefore, create a static hashmap for it as follows.

private static final HashMap<String, MySocialMediaInput> inputDevices = new HashMap<>();


In further steps unique identifier mentioned as uuid

Add a constructor that receives the uuid as parameter

// inside

public MySocialMediaInput(String uuid){


        inputDevices.put(uuid, this)

At this point, we received the uuid and have a hashmap of each MySocialMediaInput. What else we need to implement?: - Return messages as in the listen() method - Receive the messages


The order is actually reversed for the sake of tutorial of course you need to receive messages before you return them.

Let’s continue with first one. To return a message we need a message so create a String for it right below the HashMap.

private volatile String message;

We need to initialize it in constructor. Add the following into the beginning of constructor.

// inside public MySocialMediaInput(String uuid)

this.message = "";

Finally finish the listen method

// inside

public Input listen() throws InterruptedException, IOException {
    Input newInput;
            catch(InterruptedException e){
                if(message == null||message.equals("")){
                    throw e;
        newInput = new Input(message);
        message = "";
    return newInput;

Nice, now only thing to worry about is how to receive the message.


There is no SocialMediaHandler as template. You should have a handler or any logic that receive the messages from your soical media. Then you need to call this function after applied your logic (e.g. wait for a certain time to answer.)

Create a static onUpdate(Pair<String, String>) function that will be called from your SocialMediaHandler class with pair parameter that consits of the uuid and the message.

public static void onUpdate(Pair<String, String> update){
    //get the uuid

    //get the inputdevice

    //assign the message to the input device

To create the uuid that we discussed before, get the unique identifier from the update. And add a social media name as prefix.

//get the uuid

String id = update.getKey();
String uuid = "MySocialMedia-" + id;


Why we add a prefix? Because it is possible if there is a same identifier from another social media.

Now we need to get the input device there is an existing one with the uuid.

//get the inputdevice

MySocialMediaInput input = inputDevices.get(uuid);
if (input == null){
    }catch(IOException e){
        // do your logging or other error handling stuff
    input = inputDevices.get(uuid);

As you can see if there is no inputdevice with respective uuid. ConversationManager.spawnConversation(uuid) is used. It magically creates the inputDevice (as well as the Conversation and the magical stuff that you do not need to worry about)

Since you needed to store references to your devices in the hashmap, you need to delete them when a conversation is over so the garbage collector can delete them. Therefore the device needs cleaning. Finally, implement another interface namely CleanUp and override its cleanup() method.

// inside

public class MySocialMediaInput implements InputDevice, CleanUp {


    public void cleanup() {


Done! Congratulations, you have just created your social media input device. . But it doesn’t work with only input device you also need to an output device for each conversation to send the output.

A new OutputDevice for a social media

You have perfectly working input device for your social media. But that only for receiving messages, we also need to send messages.

Create a new class in folder namely MySocialMediaOutput that implements from

// inside

public class MySocialMediaOutput implements OutputDevice {


You should override a method namely act and List of actions as parameter.

public void act(List<Action> actions){
    // handle actions

Leave the inside of the method empty for now.

As discussed before there is an OutputDevice for a user that is communicating with. And a unique identifier that is representing the user for each OutputDevice. Again just like our InputDevice you need a constructor and uuid as parameter.

// inside

private String uuid;

public MySocialMediaOutput(String uuid){
    this.uuid = uuid.substring(uuid.indexOf('-')+1);

Remember the uuid in MySocialMediaInput was “MySocialMedia-”+id. Here it is splitted from the original user id that will be using for sending message.

Finish the act method

// handle actions
for(Action a : actions) {
    if (a instanceof SpeechAction) {
        // Normal text message
        String message = ((SpeechAction) a).getText();
        /* SEND THE MESSAGE with your social media handler or directly here the way is up to you */
    }else if (a instanceof EmotionAction) {
        String stickerID = null;
        switch(((EmotionAction) a).getState()){
            case "shy": /*use the method that sends an sticker or emoji or anything that shows emotions, again you can user your social media handler or any other method */


In this tutorial, only shy emotion has been used, but there are several emotions you can check if you want more!

/* */ these comments are not completed you should use your way that is sending a message via social media using the user’s id.

Now you need to tell the dialog system how to use your new in- and output. Refer to Adding generic Input- or OutputDevice in order to tell the dialog system where to find them and how to allow users to activate them. Now rebuild your code, select your Input/OutputDevice in and run it to see the work you have achieved.

Telegram: Handle commands

New inline commands can be handled in onUpdateReceived method which is in TelegramCommunicationHandler class.

Find the below if code block in onUpdateReceived.


This block is only checking if the incoming message has a ‘/’ at the beginning of the word, just like all the commands “/start”, “/stop”, “/desired_command”

Let’s try to send a sticker after a command catch. Check if the command is “/like”.


if(text == "/like"){
    String stickerId = "CAADAgADOQAD5dCAEOtbfZz0NKh2Ag"
    sendSticker(chatID, stickerID)


Each sticker has its own unique id in Telegram.

Adding new entries to

In order to add a new configuration possibility, changes in and roboy.util.ConfigManager are necessary. This tutorial will use the boolean example of DEMO_MODE so it may be retraced by looking at the existing code.

  1. Add a new property to

    DEMO_MODE: false
  1. Add your new value and a default initialization to the top of``roboy.util.ConfigManager``

    public static boolean DEMO_MODE = false;
  2. Read the new value from in the lower part of roboy.util.ConfigManager

    DEMO_MODE = yamlConfig.getBoolean("DEMO_MODE");